Sal Sal
ترانهی سال
هنوز به یاد خونه , همه دلامون خونه
هرگز باور نداشتیم , دنیا اینجور بمونه
سال سال , این چند سال
امسال , پارسال , پیرارسال
هر سال میگیم دریغ از پارسال
سال سال , این چند سال
امسال , پارسال , پیرارسال
هر سال میگیم دریغ از پارسال
سال سال , این چند سال
امسال , پارسال , پیرارسال
هر سال میگیم دریغ از پارسال
هنوز به یاد خونه , همه دلامون خونه
هرگز باور نداشتیم , دنیا اینجور بمونه
سال سال , این چند سال
امسال , پارسال , پیرارسال
هر سال میگیم دریغ از پارسال
وای دل چه خونه , از کار این زمونه
حسرت کشیدن سخته , خدا میدونه
وای وای خدایا , دلزده از خوشیها
با هم چه آتش زدیم ما به آشیونه
هنوز به یاد خونه , همه دلامون خونه
هرگز باور نداشتیم , دنیا اینجور بمونه
سال سال , این چند سال
امسال , پارسال , پیرارسال
هر سال میگیم دریغ از پارسال
Lyrics by: Bijan Samandar
Music by: Anoushiravan Rohani
Sal Sal
Hanuz beyade hune
Hame delemoon hune
Hargez bavar dadashtim
Donya injur bebune
Sal sal, inchansal
Hem sal,
par Sal piyarsal
Harsal migim darir az parsal
Sal sal, inchansal
Hem sal, par Sal piyarsal
Harsal migim darir az parsal
Hanuz byade hune
Hame delemoon hune
Hargez bavar dadashtim
Donya injur bebune
Sal sal....
Vay de che hune, az kar in zabune
Hasrat keshidan sahte hoda midune
Vay vay hodaya, del zade az hoshia
Baham che atash, zadima, be ashiyune
Hanuz beyade hune
Hame delamoon hune
Hargez bavar dadashtim
Donya injur bebune
Years, all these years
We still contemplate about our home
our hearts are bleeding
We never believed that the world
would stay as disastrous as it was
Years, all these years!
This year, last year and the the year before last
Every year we say that the year
before was better.
Years, all these years!
This year, last year and the the year before last
Every year we say that the year before was better.
Years, all these years!
This year, last year
and the the year before last
Every year we say that the year
before was better.
Oh, how miserable the heart is, because of this wheel of fortune
To regret is very agonizing, God knows
Oh God, we, bored with pleasures,
burned down the house all together
Years, all these years!
This year, last year
and the the year before last
Every year we say that the year
before was better.